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2024 Winners


Johnson and Johnson MedTech - Implementation of Care4Today Patient Education App

"Care4Today is an innovative patient education App. The patient evaluation survey demonstrates overall positive satisfaction. Staff appear to also rate the App highly and it appears to directly lead to efficiencies in care provision. It is easily accessible and detailed information on all aspects of the surgical journey."


Children's Health Ireland
Safer services for patients- innovative traceability of infant feeds, donor and expressed breast milk

Curie AI

HSE-Health Protection Surveillance Centre
National Notifiable Disease Hub -a new approach to disease reporting

Servisource Healthcare
Isaac Care

St James's Hospital
"The Handover" - Ireland's First Student Nursing Podcast

Technology & Transformation-HSE
Making Specialist Services Electronic – Paper to Digital

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PAIRS Group - Developing paediatric resuscitation training capacity with resource challenged healthcare settings

"This is a professional submission and an outstanding example of International collaboration between experts in high and low income settings. The benefit of the program is the establishment of sustainable PALS expertise in the region and the ability to grow the local pipeline following completion of training. The quality of the submission and the supporting documents are very excellent."


Children's Health Ireland
Getting to the heart of the matter

Salutem Insights Ltd & the All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI)
Salutem Insights Ltd & the All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI), The Health and Economic Potential of Oncology and Allied Digital Health on the Island of Ireland

The National Centre for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Rainbow Clinic Children’s Health Ireland and the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
Development of an All Island Paediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship Training Programme


Fighting Blindness - Retina International World Congress, hosted by Fighting Blindness

"This was the stand out Educational Meeting of the Year entry. It had worldwide participation and impact and is an excellent initiative aimed at reducing blindness and the involvement of patients in the process is particularly noteworthy."

Highly commended:

Irish General Practice Nurses Educational Association - IGPNEA Principles of General Practice Nursing Course

Highly commended:

Vascular Surgery Department, Beaumont Hospital - Beaumont Multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Care Symposium


Centric Health
Centric Health Nurse Conference 2023

HSE Spark Innovation Programme, Health Service Executive
The Spark Summit – National Innovation Conference 2024

Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association
IMNDA Annual Conference 2023

Women in Medicine in Ireland Network
WiMINLimerick23 Conference: ‘Challenging Conversations’


Technology & Transformation-HSE - Making Specialist Services Electronic – Paper to Digital

"This is a hugely progressive initiative to improve access to patient records over a wide number of healthcare stakeholders and with the great potential to reduce missing clinical information and data breaches. It is a standout demonstration of how an integrated clinical management system can work and has great potential in many more services."


Children's Health Ireland
The Development of a National Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Meeting (MDM) in the Irish Healthcare Setting.

Children's Health Ireland
Transforming Patient Scheduling : Impact of the Partial Booking Pilot

National Screening Service, HSE
Developing a Quality Assurance framework for Ireland’s screening programmes

Sleep Therapy Clinic
Home sleep diagnostic tests for children - An effective approach to address sleep diagnostic challenges in Ireland

St. James's Hospital
Critical Care Advanced Nurse Practitioner Service

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Technology & Transformation-HSE - Making Specialist Services Electronic – Paper to Digital

"This is a superb project with immediate impact on patient care. There is a chronic need within the healthcare system to move to digital for multiple reasons, including giving patients more control. This project has the potential to be hugely impactful."


Children's Health Ireland
Introducing Family Integrated Care to the neonatal units at Childrens Health Ireland

Children's Health Ireland
Starling Acute Medical Admission Unit: Development of a Short-Stay Model for Acute General Paediatric Admissions

St. James's Hospital
Critical Care Advanced Nurse Practitioner-Led PICC Service

St Vincent's University Hospital
Virtual Ward

Rotunda Hospital
Risk based Patent Ductus Arteriosus treatment program to improve outcomes in preterm infants

Tallaght University Hospital
Enabling a neurodiversity friendly environment in the emergency department

UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic
Introduction of nasal and skin decolonisation for all implant surgery patients using Bactroban ointment and CHG (Chlorhexidine) wash clothes, to reduce the rate of surgical site infections due to Staphylococcus aureus

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The Pillar Centre for Transformative Healthcare - Implementing AI technology across the Mater Hospital Radiology Department

"This submission clearly demonstrates innovation in healthcare through the appropriate use of AI in medicine. Great to see comprehensive risk analysis was undertaken and the high level of accuracy was very impressive and the enhanced patient care and optimised workflow is beneficial for radiology staff."

Highly Commended:

Department of Social Protection - e-learning modules for Doctors on Department of Social Protection’s schemes and supports for people with disabilities


Dublin Northwest Integrated Care Centre, CHO9 and Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown
Breathe Easy, Beat Strong: : Collaborative Outpatient Approach To Cardiopulmonary Disorders

NEC Care
Piloting Newborn screening for congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV)

LGBT Ireland
LGBT Champions

Sexual Health Centre
DASH Outreach Project

St. Gabriel's Foundation
Happee Project: a community partnership to deliver in-school interventions in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy in regeneration communities

St. Luke's General Hospital, Kilkenny & HSE
Spark Innovation Programme Muma Postnatal Hub

St Vincent's University Hospital

Tallaght University Hospital
Helping Patients Live Well with Chronic Disease: The Smart CP Mobile App for Chronic Pancreatitis

Technology & Transformation-HSE
Making Specialist Services Electronic – Paper to Digital

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St. Gabriel's Foundation - Happee Project: a community partnership to deliver in-school interventions in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy in regeneration communities

"An important initiative, combining training, supervision and a school-based service to a particular cohort of children, with the aim of preventing later issues and avoiding earlier engagement with secondary MH services. It is a great example of cross agency pilot project to support young children in disadvantaged areas."


Centric Health
Project Phoenix

HSE Addiction Services Dublin North City and County (DNCC)
Reducing Harm: An integrated social and healthcare care cocaine programme

St. Gabriel's Foundation
Get Going, Get Rowing

St. Gabriel's Foundation
Happee Project: a community partnership to deliver in-school interventions in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy in regeneration communities

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Allview Healthcare - Allview Healthcare product and service partnership with Vhi Healthcare, providing a national dermatology services using Teledermatology

"Solution has a strong market penetration in dermatology through its agreement with VHI. It has a higher user take up than other nominees in this category at this point and addresses important clinical issue-dermatology waiting times."



Crumlin Emergency Department & MedWrite Ltd

MeTime Digital Healthcare Solution


Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services - Developing a Person Centred Mental Health Crisis Resolution Team

"Excellent initiative to address crisis resolution with evidence of a reduction in admissions. It also provides a better user experience outside of emergency care pathways and is in line with Slaintecare policy regarding care in the community."


Linn Dara CAMHS
Developing ADMiRE: The HSE’s first specialist service for children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Irish Defence Forces and Trinity College Dublin

Novel, Cost-Effective, and Rapidly Deployable Treatment Program to Address Psychological Trauma

The Health Service Executive and the University of Galway 
Safety Planning Group Intervention (SPGI) delivered with people experiencing Suicidality in an Acute Adult Mental Health Unit

Saint John of God Hospital
YouthMed.Info: Co-design of a medicines information resource for youth

A small team creating big change by working to deliver a more compassionate Ireland where those affected by mental illness and stigma are supported and included in all aspects of society.

St Patrick's Mental Health Services
Improving the Management of Obesity in Severe Mental Illness.

Vision Ireland
Counselling, Wellbeing & Emotional Support Service

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Rotunda Hospital - A neuroprotective care bundle to decrease the incidence of preterm brain injury

"A well developed and implemented project with excellent patient outcomes. It has the potential to replicate in other centres and compare outcomes. This is a very good project with excellent targets exceeded."


Children's Health Ireland
How to Order a Genetic Test: a Point-of-Care Resource for Completing Genetic Testing in a Paediatric Setting

Irish Defence Forces and Trinity College Dublin

Novel, Cost-Effective, and Rapidly Deployable Treatment Program to Address Psychological Trauma

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Perinatal Optimisation for preterm births less than 34 weeks gestation at OLOL, Drogheda.


Sexual Assault Treatment Unit, Rotunda Hospital & HSE Spark Innovation Programme - Nurse-Led Integrating Forensic Photography into SATU Services to Enhance Patient Care

"A really excellent initiative and a first for Ireland. It makes complete sense that introducing forensic photography within the SATU setting would make what is a hugely traumatic experience less stressful for patients particularly as it means they do not have to attend a Garda station for photographs."

Highly Commended:

Tallaght University Hospital - Helping Patients Live Well with Chronic Disease: The Smart CP Mobile App for Chronic Pancreatitis



Ireland’s first advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) led cardiac preventative mobile screening clinic

Tallaght University Hospital
Quality improvement on reducing and managing falls in an Age related and rehabilitation unit

St Patrick's Mental Health Services
The introduction of Virtual Reality treatment in a mental health setting

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Dublin Northwest Integrated Care Centre, CHO9 and Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown - Breathe Easy, Beat strong ; Collaborative outpatient approach to cardiopulmonary disorders

"This excellent initiative achieved very impressive approach to reduce waiting times for patients with comorbid cardiac and pulmonary conditions with a number of other secondary positive benefits for overall services and patients."


Children's Health Ireland
Treating Waiting List Intolerance: The Success Story of GP-Delivered Allergy Clinics

Clinical Specialist Team Older Persons (CST OP) Mid-West
Integrated care for the ‘new old’: Maximising the potential of community-based multidisciplinary teams

Peamount Healthcare
Strategies to address increasing demand for sleep clinic appointments

Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Southern Trust Aortic Valve Surveillance Service

Tallaght University Hospital
Cancer Care, a Hospital Without Walls-Pioneering more accessible healthcare. A collaboration between TUH Onc Dayward and the South Dublin Community Intervention Team

University Hospital Limerick Group
Exploring the impact of a Hybrid Model (Face to Face v Virtual) of MSK Triage at UHLG

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Saint John of God Hospital - YouthMed.Info: Co-design of a medicines information resource for youth

"This initiative exemplifies effective co-design, resulting in a timely and well-structured resource that addresses the needs of healthcare providers, parents, and children. With strong stakeholder participation, it delivers practical outcomes and serves as a valuable asset for children, particularly in building confidence around medication management."


The Dental Health Foundation
Caring for Your Child's Teeth 0-5 years of age

Children's Health Ireland
Co-Production: Using Animated Videos to Increase Health Literacy for Young People with 22q11.DS, and the Healthcare Staff that Support Them

Children's Health Ireland
The heart does what

Grafton Medical
Menopause and the City

Irish Haemochromatosis Association
Education & Awareness of Haemochromatosis in Ireland

Parkinson's Ireland
Different For Everyone

RCSI Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Debunking the Myths - The Science Behind Our Sexual Health

Tallaght University Hospital

Let’s Talk About Down Syndrome - podcast series

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Sanofi supported by Etch Communications - Together Against RSV

"This is an innovative campaign in use of people, medical specialists and public figures. It is a well-developed and thought-through campaign using appropriate personnel to deliver the message. It appears to have an impact and is very topical, filling a gap in information out there."


Arthritis Ireland
Breaking the Pain Cycle Webinar Series

Migraine Association of Ireland
In their Own Words

UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic
Medicines Information booklet for patients following Knee and Hip Replacements


Irish Network of Gynaecological Oncology - Ovarian Cancer Awareness

"This is an impactful awareness campaign with a wide reach using a variety of media forums and impressive All Island reach requiring a small budget, using powerful BEAT material to raise awareness."


Children's Health Ireland
Co-Producing a 22q Healthcare Passport: Involving young people living with 22q11DS in Healthcare Solutions

COPD Support Ireland
World Health Day COPD Wellness Festival

Irish Lung Fibrosis Association
Establishing a Lung Fibrosis Public and Patient Involvement Research Advisory Group

National Screening Service, HSE
Putting people at the heart of what we do – the National Screening Service's Patient and Public Partnership


Children's Health Ireland - Minimally invasive Paediatric Interventional Radiology service with maximum benefit and minimal spend

"Excellent initiative to improve a minimally invasive paediatric interventional services within the current budget and little extra funding. An excellent reallocation of resources to make a very important difference to a vulnerable and frightened patient group."


Department of Social Protection
e-learning modules for Doctors on Department of Social Protection’s schemes and supports for people with disabilities

National Screening Service, HSE
Protecting the sight of women with diabetes during pregnancy

Nenagh Hospital Ophthalmology

Patients' benefits from the advancement of nurse led intravitreal injection services

Trinity College Dublin
ADMiRE ADHD: Improving services for children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Irish Haemochromatosis Association - Education & Awareness of Haemochromatosis in Ireland Campaign

"There is clear messaging and a strong campaign with a clear, and easily accessible website. The use of a awareness week in 2024 was a great touch, as well as very good use of social media to reach a wide audience with key messages."

Highly Commended: 

ADMiRE, ADHD specialist service, HSE Linn Dara CAMHS - How ADMiRE has improved services for children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Irish Cancer Society
Cancer Awareness, Prevention and Early Detection

National Screening Service, HSE
Together Towards Elimination – A partnership approach to achieving Cervical Cancer Elimination in Ireland


National Screening Service, HSE - First Irish data on the effect of HPV vaccination on cervical cancer

"An excellent presentation to demonstrate the effect of HPV vaccination on cervical cancer rates."

Highly Commended: 

University Hospital Limerick - SOLAR Randomised Control Trial

Highly Commended:

Children's Health Ireland - Diagnostic yield from cardiac gene testing for inherited cardiac conditions and re-evaluation of pre-ACMG variants of uncertain significance


HSE National Rare Diseases Office Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Designing rare disease care pathways in the Republic of Ireland: a co-operative model

Scholarstown Family Practice
The impact of menopause education on quality of life among menopausal women: a systematic review with meta-analysis

The Health Service Executive and the University of Galway 
Safety Planning Group Intervention (SPGI) delivered with people experiencing Suicidality in an Acute Adult Mental Health Unit


RCSI - Optimising Medications' Carbon Footprint in Ophthalmic Care

"Great practical example in an acute hospital. This is a thought through project with achievable results and a calculated impact. It is well-described and devised and a nice model for other comparable situations."


Allview Healthcare Teledermatology and CO2 Emissions Reduction with Maynooth University Business School

Irish Doctors for the Environment
Irish Doctors for the Environment

Oncology Services Galway University Hospital

Self Stratified Colorectal Survivorship

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Greening The Operating Room - Towards Sustainable Surgery

Trinity College Dublin
Clinical guidelines for environmental sustainability in dentistry

University Hospital Waterford

Recycling "it's the simple things"

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Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Southern Trust Aortic Valve Surveillance Service

"This excellent initiative in Aortic Valve Stenosis care aimed at reducing waiting times for treatment and reducing morbidity and mortality from this common cardiac condition by creating a dedicated service for AVS care. This also resulted in freeing up space for other cardiac conditions to be treated more promptly."

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Noel McCaffrey

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