EARLY BIRD RATE! Submit your entry by Friday 16 May to save €50 on your entry fee!

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It's great to hear you're interested in entering the awards this year, if you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Hannah Kaur,

UK: +44 (0) 203 953 2117
IRE: (01) 817 6363

Entry Bird rate - get €50 off your entry fee when you enter before Friday 16 May, enter now!

We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

The entry deadline for the Irish Healthcare Awards is 13 June 2025. The winners will be announced at the The Clayton, Burlington Road on 4 November 2025.


This award is for the best webinar, event or meeting of the year. The standard in production and presentation of webinars has increased across the healthcare arena so this award is for the company, person or institution that has produced the best/most educational meeting, whether online or in-person.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on a meeting that:

  1. Addressed key topics in the area 
  2. Brought together key thought leaders/ researchers on the subject 
  3. Presented important information that is key to the continued learning of HCPs, or the education of patients
  4. Highlighted new areas of research that may have an impact upon the future of medicine or healthcare.
  5. Had learning outcomes or opportunities for network and knowledge sharing

This award is centred on Patient Groups and any organisation or person who has focussed a campaign or project to educate the public about any aspect of public health or a specific disease. We want to include the efforts of those who work to prevent the spread of misinformation in health matters as well as more traditional patient education fora.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will be looking for a campaign or an education project that:

  1. Improved patient knowledge and understanding on a certain topic 
  2. Educated the public on a medical topic or disease area – such as vaccine effectiveness or hazards related to lifestyle or online trends
  3. Had a wide reach and level of effectiveness with the public
  4. Advocated for a scientific approach to vaccines, pandemics, disease and healthcare

For projects that have been established or supported by the pharmaceutical industry, aimed at educating patients, carers and the general public.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will be looking for a campaign or an education project that:

  1. Improved patient knowledge and understanding on a certain topic
  2. Educated the public on health issues and encouraged the public to educate themselves
  3. Advocated for a scientific approach to vaccines, pandemics, disease and healthcare


This award is for the best cross-border or international co-operation project of the year. It is for any project, scheme or programme that utilises medical skills or facilities to benefit patients in Ireland or Northern Ireland. It is also for research and development projects where there are clear results and proven successes achieved in the cross-border or international project that would not have been realisable in Ireland alone.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. Patient benefit 
  2. An increase in teaching or medical knowledge 
  3. A savings to either health system
  4. An improvement to the medical services offered in one country

The award recognises that there is still much to understand and address in the area of mental health and makes a statement about the importance of facilitating best international practice in mental healthcare.

Entries for the Mental Health Initiative of the Year Award will demonstrate the advancement of research, treatments, awareness, policies, advocacy, scaled-up quality interventions and services for people with mental health conditions.

Judges will reward individuals, groups and companies in the Irish healthcare sector who have demonstrably improved access to and developed initiatives to improve access and quality care for mental health conditions and substance misuse in order to create healthy, inclusive environments for society in support of mental well-being.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. People who have raised awareness of mental health issues 
  2. Organisations who have led the way in terms of policies regarding people with mental health issues
  3. Projects and campaigns that have helped people with mental illness or have communicated about mental illness to reduce stereotypes, myths and stigma.
  4. How the project advanced the treatment and inclusivity/equity of people with mental health issues

This award recognises innovation or excellence shown in an outpatient setting, for a project aimed at improving the quality of care delivered to this category of patients.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. An improvement in a service which is specific to outpatients
  2. A project that demonstrably improves patient outcomes
  3. A project that makes it easier for patients to attend, or increases attendance

This award is for the best patient service that is offered on an outpatient basis. It will be judged on its efficiencies, its services, the value it delivers to its patient and the community. This award is simply for an example of excellence in out-patient services in a primary care or hospital setting.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. Patient benefit – and the scale of patients benefiting 
  2. Benefit to staff/education/training etc 
  3. An improvement to the medical services

This award recognises the most important public health initiative of the year. There are many issues which threaten the general public health. This award is for an organisation, NGO or government body which has had an initiative that has had the most profound effect on public health.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. A public health initiative that has had widespread appeal. 
  2. An initiative that has improved public health in a measurable way.
  3. An initiative that has helped patients cope with long-term or chronic disease
  4. A measure that can be shown to have worked well

This award is for an initiative, system, project or practice that reduces the impact of a healthcare organisation on their environment.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. Actual reductions in waste, changes that are effective and that work
  2. An improvement in awareness from all involved – patients and staff 
  3. A saving or cost-efficiency to the health system
  4. An innovation that improves the ‘green’ or human aspect of healthcare


This award is for the innovative use of information technology in a healthcare context to improve efficiencies and deliver better patient care. It includes systems that produce savings both in terms of personnel, revenue or patient time.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. A practical application that improves efficiency or care 
  2. Cost savings – if applicable
  3. Time savings – if applicable
  4. Ease of use
  5. An explanation of how patients (or doctors or carers) benefit from this technology

This award is to recognise an innovation in healthcare that increases efficiency in delivery, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs or procedures, or introduces a new and effective service, treatment, or system that improves patient care. Innovations in responding to the recent influx of Ukrainian refugees, or other recent challenges in healthcare (or other ‘crises’) will also be considered where healthcare staff have innovated to provide services relating to the crisis.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
Available until
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. A practical application that improves efficiency or care
  2. Cost savings – if applicable
  3. Time savings – if applicable 
  4. Ease of use 
  5. Potential to expand the use of this system or innovation

Primary Care is at the frontline of patient services. This award is to recognise an innovation in primary healthcare that increases efficiency in delivery, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs or procedures, or introduces a new and effective service, treatment, or system that improves patient care in general practice. Innovations in responding to the recent influx of Ukrainian refugees, or other recent challenges in healthcare (or other ‘crises’) will also be considered where healthcare staff have innovated to provide services relating to the crisis.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
Available until
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. A practical application that improves efficiency or care 
  2. Cost savings – if applicable 
  3. Time savings – if applicable 
  4. Ease of use 
  5. Potential to expand the use of this system or innovation

This award is for a device, technology or service made or devised in Ireland that has improved medical services to patients, met a patient need, increased medical efficiency or made a profound difference in patient care or welfare.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. Patient benefit or the potential of patient benefit
  2. An improvement in medical efficiency or success rate in surgery
  3. A saving or cost-efficiency to the health system
  4. An innovation that improves healthcare by increasing its capability


This award is to recognise excellence in healthcare management – particularly where it shows a demonstrable patient benefit. This award covers the entire spectrum of healthcare in Ireland – from hospitals to general practice to healthcare institutions of all kinds.

‘Management’ is there for the patient. It’s there to serve and help the medical team deliver results. The key thing for this award to demonstrate is a benefit to patient or doctors or both.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
Available until
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. A practical application that improves efficiency or care
  2. Cost savings – if applicable
  3. Time savings – if applicable
  4. Ease of use
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The Medical Team of the Year Award is for medical or surgical teams that have achieved outstanding results in terms of treating patients. It will be awarded to a team which has shown a dynamic difference and/or improvement in care compared to similar teams, or teams that have used better technology or practice to improve patient care.

The award-winners will have demonstrated excellent communication skills, appropriate training, the use of all the different skills within the team and a team spirit that inspires and improves each individual’s performance.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
Available until
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. The team’s ability to improve patient care by using teamwork and utilising different skills and professionals.
  2. The standard of training and on-going education across the team
  3. Data that shows how the teamwork is improving care over a “one professional” approach
  4. The utilisation of all the skills of the team 5) Efficiency in patient care and management.


This award is for projects aimed at, or created/developed by, hospital doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other hospital-based healthcare professionals in a hospital setting. The winner will be a project that truly enhances the care a hospital gives and something that makes it demonstrably better than it might be – or competitors are - in terms of patient care. 

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
Available until
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The judges will be looking for:

  1. A practical application that improves efficiency or care
  2. Cost savings – if applicable
  3. Time savings – if applicable
  4. Ease of use
  5. The potential to spread this concept to other hospitals
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This award is for a NCHD-led project or initiative that had a demonstrable impact on patient care, or our understanding of disease, or both.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. The usefulness of the project in terms of managing and helping patients 
  2. The reduction of pain or risk to patients 
  3. The value of the scientific knowledge gained from the project

This award for a nurse or midwife-led project recognises the effectiveness of initiatives with clearly defined results and outcomes, originated by an individual nurse or midwife or a team.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. The usefulness of the project in terms of managing patients  and helping patients
  2. The reduction of pain or risk to patients
  3. If the project made a difference to patient care

This award recognises the work of patient organisations and their efforts to educate both the public and their own patients on issues related to their disease or condition.

Submissions should demonstrate:

The need and effectiveness of the project in terms of patient or public education.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. Evidence that the organisation has had an impact on public/patient knowledge 
  2. A demonstration of how widely their message was spread and examples of their work and success 
  3. Patient improvement achieved through their projects/advocacy work etc

The best research by an individual or group of NCHDs, PhD students in medicine or medicine-aligned science, or undergraduate medical students. It may be in the area of medical research, or aimed at quality improvement, education or training, enhancing hospital procedures or improving communication between healthcare professionals.

€ 249.00
Early bird rate199.00 +VAT (23%)
Available until
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The judges will make the award based on:

  1. The usefulness of the project in terms of managing patients or potential contribution to medicine, either as a protocol change or in the area of translational medicine (e.g. research of new druggable targets)
  2. The reduction of risk for patients, improvement in diagnosis speed/accuracy, reduction of harmful outcomes
  3. If the project is applicable for use in either patient care or wider use in the field of medicine/pharmacy/medical science etc.
  4. The depth and level of work involved in completing the project
  5. Its relevance for patients and medicine